Chakras are energy centers in the body. The word ‘chakra’ is derived from the Sanskrit word “cakra”, and roughly translates to ‘wheel’, ‘circle’, or ‘cycle’; this word is used because each chakra swirls or spins as energy flows between them. This concept originated in India, but has become prevalent in Western culture as well.

There are seven major chakras in the human body, each aligned with a particular type or vibration of energy. Although they are all connected, they can have varying degrees of activity. Imbalances in chakras can occur from an excess or a deficit of energy; that is, they can be too ‘open’ (or overactive), or they can be too ‘closed’ (or underactive). These imbalances usually cause discomfort or distress on some level, whether emotional, psychological, or physical. The longer an imbalance exists, and the more severe it is, the more likely it is for the stress of the imbalance to manifest in a physical fashion.

Below is a chart outlining some basics about each chakra.

Chakra (Color) Sanskrit Name English Name Location Glands/Organs Energies Stones
1 (red)  Muladhara Root perineum/tailbone adrenal glands, intestines & colon grounding, support, survival garnet, ruby, hematite, smoky quartz, black tourmaline, onyx; most red or black stones
2 (orange) Svadhisthana Sacral/Navel belly button gonads, reproductive organs creativity, sexuality, intimacy carnelian, sunstone, orange amber; most orange stones
3 (yellow) Manipura Solar Plexus just below ribs pancreas, kidneys, liver confidence, will, action citrine, pyrite, yellow amber; most yellow stones
4 (green) Anahata Heart heart/sternum thymus, heart compassion, community, love malachite, aventurine, emerald, rose quartz, kunzite; most green or pink stones
5 (turquoise) Vishuddha Throat throat/glottis thyroid, lungs communication, expression amazonite, aquamarine, turquoise; most light blue or teal stones
6 (indigo) Ajna Third Eye between eyebrows pituitary gland, eyes perception, insight, thought, intuition lapis lazuli, sodalite, azurite, apatite; most deep blue or indigo stones
7 (purple/white)The Crown Chakra Symbol Sahasrara Crown top of head pineal gland, brain (cerebral cortex) purpose, inspiration, transcendence amethyst, charoite, sugilite, clear quartz, moonstone; most purple or clear stones

chakra pendants base metal

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